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This technique uses a Herbal Compress in which herbs are wrapped in a cloth. They are then steamed to release the potent qualities of the herbs. These hot herbal compresses are then systematically pressed over the body. They drive heat into skin and muscles, loosening tension dramatically and chasing away the damp and cold which can often linger in our bodies, especially in wintertime. Like traditional Thai Yoga Massage, this massage is performed fully clothed or wrapped in a sheet, depending on the thickness of the clothing. No oils are used in this treatment and it is very different to the traditional western style of massage.

Massage Attire

  • Please appropriate massage attire, loose flexible clothing like a tracksuit.

Thai Yoga Massage with Herbal Compress

Massage Therapy in Manchester, Massage Therapy in Salford, Massage Therapy in Swinton, ProdigiousHands, Massage Manchester, Massage Salford
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