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Holistic therapy treats the body as a "whole", which means that not only will a massage treatment pamper your physical body but it will also establish internal and external problems and provide an effective method of re-balancing. Holistic massage is a therapeutic application of touch that is also a supportive, relaxing treatment that encourages the mind to slow down whilst energy is increased. This treatment also lifts the spirit on an emotional level. It is rare that we take an hour to lie down, close our eyes and just 'be'. An hour's peace and quiet away from the stresses and strains of daily life has a definite restorative effect.

For the body, the massage helps taut muscles to relax and combined with strokes to aid lymphatic drainage, which helps to release toxins. The benefits can be felt by all, whatever your age, background or lifestyle. Stress affects different people in many ways both physically and emotionally. Stiffness and soreness in muscles can be due to a wide range of physical factors from an overly energetic session in the gym or carrying too much shopping home, to poor posture through being seated at a desk all day or excessive time behind the steering wheel. The causes are not always physical however. Emotional tension and the day to day stresses of life can manifest as headaches caused by a stiff neck and shoulders and the body generally tensing up in response to stress.

Older people can benefit too. They can find it can be difficult to get around, resulting in lack of exercise and muscle atrophy. Massage will stimulate the blood flow and help release those feel-good endorphins.

Holistic Massage

Massage Therapy in Manchester, Massage Therapy in Salford, Massage Therapy in Swinton, ProdigiousHands, Massage Manchester, Massage Salford
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